Classes at Reflections
Classes at Reflections are designed to cater for the dancer from a young age to adult as you are never too old to be part of the family.
Dance brings confidence and enjoyment. At Reflections we encourage children to grow and express themselves freely by developing a love of dance.
Putting your child into a dance studio that caters for young students until they are young adults and provides the child with a family based environment and life long friendships are formed as a result. At Reflections we offer opportunities to students that also build on this. In 2014 we took a group of 22 students to the USA and they danced as a group in Disneyland, Universal Studios and Hollywood Boulevard. We also took students again in 2017! Parent’s got involved and fundraised for the occasion making what could seem a distant dream a major reality!

Classes for 18mths - 4 years of age
Toddler classes are specifically designed to teach children the foundations of classical ballet, tap, jazz and acrobatics using the British Ballet Organization’s (BBO) syllabus and is a strong grounding and technique that is carried on with them as they progress. They will gain balance, co-ordination; get a sense of timing and rhythm. They will be able to creatively express themselves and enhance their social skills.
It is important that your child is taught the foundations of a solid technique from a recognised training organization early on to avoid injury and bad habits as a result of poor training.
Teacher’s are trained and still receive consistent learning to keep up with the times and are all registered members with the British Ballet Organization.
At this age level no pressure is put on the students to complete any examinations or join in with competitions, but the option to do so is also available.
Participating in examinations when your child is old enough gives them a chance to learn routine, which in turn helps with school life. It provides the child with confidence and also a reward at the end by receiving a certificate for all the hard work they have put in. Examinations also give the parents a satisfaction that your child has been learning and also in the correct manner, as an outside examination from a professional examiner gives you notes you need as an indication of how your child is progressing.
Every child no matter how old gets to perform in our end of year concert and the young students usually steal the show. There is not a better feeling than getting up on the big stage to perform for your friends and family.
The main object of dance classes at Reflections is to bring FUN into your child’s life!
Classes for 5 years -13 years of age
Dance classes will give your children skills for life….
Dance at Reflections can also be provided as a recreational class for fitness and enjoyment. Not all Students at Reflections have to be involved with examinations and competitions. Classes can still be just as rewarding.
If you decide to enter your children into the world of dance and the many opportunities Reflections provides, yes it can be demanding as can any other sport but it also has many rewards.
At Reflections children from 5 years of age will be offered the opportunity to participate in BBO examinations and Theatre Awards, which should your child wish to pursue a career in dance will provide them with the necessary recognised qualifications and skills. Reflection’s has entered children for examinations for the past 15 years with a 100% pass rate.
Alongside examinations, children are given the opportunity to participate in public performances, competitions and dance festivals. This provides your child with team building skills and teaches them awareness of being in a public situation where social behaviour skills and etiquette are taught.
You can be assured by putting your child into classes at Reflections you will be giving your child the opportunity to learn and grow in a challenging world within the safety of a family and caring environment.

Classes for 13 years of age to seniors.
Once your child reaches high school, it is a difficult transition time and many wish to concentrate on studies, which is completely understandable.
In today’s society where social media and cyber friendships rule the community, Reflections provides a balance and still lets your very impressionable child at this time be provided with social skills that do not involve a computer or netflix and also a valuable fitness program.
Students at this age are deciding whether or not dance is an option for their career or they just still enjoy the passion and enjoyment dance can bring to their lives. Reflections cater for both. Whether you wish to train for a professional career including on the stage or becoming a teacher, we are here to guide and train you in the right direction.
Make the right decision for your child and join Reflections Academy of Dance.